Being the Only Socialist in the Family Rule

Communist Capi ☭ 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 to – 829 points –

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I'm an anarcho-syndicalist. I told my cool family members. I just call myself a socialist now around them, it's easier.

Honestly at a certain point labels only help when you share a common definition with your audience.

If I call myself a socialist I need to preface it by defining socialism because everyone above 25 still thinks it means autocratic dictatorial regime where the government owns your underpants.

I just tell people that democracy is better than monarchy so we should expand that to workplaces and give workers a vote on the direction of their workplace. Most people are more amenable to this than dropping the S word or god forbid C word.

I just tell people that democracy is better than monarchy so we should expand that to workplaces and give workers a vote on the direction of their workplace. Most people are more amenable to this than dropping the S word or god forbid C word.

I used to live out in the boonies, surrounded by rednecks, and this approach worked almost every time unless one of them was well-read enough to know I was talking about socialism.

And in my experience the well read ones will either screech about socialism or are themselves a socialist.

"I'm into super democracy. Would you like to argue against democracy as a concept, or just dance around insisting it's somehow different?"

Im also an anarchist and get around that by pulling the ol switcheroo on them. I say a bunch of anarchist shit I know they'll agree with and when the times right go "yeah and thats why I'm an anarchist". Gets them to open up a bit and leaves them with a better impression of what anarchism actually is

Are the shouting matches better or worse than the endless Monty Python quotes?

Silly movies made in the 70s by British comedy troupes are no basis for a political ideology! Realistic political strategies are born from reading theory, not some farcical medieval movie!

Why, if I went around calling myself a Christian nationalist because I watched The Life of Brian they'd put me away!