Jordan and France drop humanitarian aid into Gaza by air to World – 272 points –
Jordan and France drop humanitarian aid into Gaza by air - I24NEWS

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Employ military force to ensure the sovereignty of their airspace.

The playbook's pretty standard:

If people are using commercial overflight allowances to drop cargo into a war zone one of the combatants could simply deny commercial overflight.

Then fighter escorts to remove the aircraft from the contested airspace

Then warning shots

Then downing aircraft.

so I would love for the journalist to tell me what the current situation is, what Israel's response to this is, and what the ongoing future air situation is anticipated to be

And you think they would do this to an ally trying to help innocent people that Israel is bombing to hell?

Allies don't violate your airspace, creating bad media for you.

But yes to answer your first question I absolutely would expect them to deny commercial overflight of their military operations. I'm honestly surprised they haven't already

Gaza is not Israeli airspace.

I agree with you. But that's a political statement. Politically it is not part of the Israeli country.

The de facto military truth however, is the Israeli military enjoys full uncontested control of the airspace above Gaza

But to shoot down other counties aircraft over Gaza would be to make the political statement that it is their airspace, which Is unacceptable

De facto truth is that French air force conducted air drops of supplies in uncontestedly Israeli airspace above Gaza.

Israel is not going to attack French military aircraft, it will be political suicide.

I also do not understand your fixation on commercial overflight which is irrelevant here.

None of Israel's allies are true friends of the Israeli people. Because friends don't let friends commit genocide.

I will be absolutely shocked and terrified if Israel shoots down a French plane, fuck them for the genocide they are committing, but that moment would be Gavrilo Princip, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin(I know I know), and 9/11 combined in terms of ushering in a new age of conflict. It could easily rip NATO and the UN apart while also escalating the conflict in the Middle East to new heights. I don’t think, or maybe I just hope that, Israel is that stupid.

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