is gone to – 803 points –

It was a collection of silly quotes from IRC channels everywhere, many of which dated back to the 90s. It was rarely ever updated in the 2010s, but now, the URL no longer resolves.

Last capture was July 2023.*/

EDIT Someone archived all the quotes on the Internet Archive.


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What will we do when the internet archive goes down

thats okay, someone will have put all the information on an impossible to search for or browse discord server, that'll surely last forever. /s

Join the crowd on tik tok I guess

Ok, I will need that off-grid cabin in the woods after all...

There's the Internet archive archive. It's being funded by all the excess donations that themselves can't find a way to spend.

So when the internet archive archive goes down, we'll have the internet archive archive archive as a backup? Neat.