is gone to – 803 points –

It was a collection of silly quotes from IRC channels everywhere, many of which dated back to the 90s. It was rarely ever updated in the 2010s, but now, the URL no longer resolves.

Last capture was July 2023.*/

EDIT Someone archived all the quotes on the Internet Archive.


The internet archive is becoming one of the most valuable sites on the web, specially to avoid paywalled corpo pages.

And people are abusing the fuck out of it by uploading tons of copyrighted movies. No one seems to be policing it either. I'm very worried that its days are numbered.

The Internet Archive has special status that gives it protections. What might kill it is the erosion of support for public libraries and such. The advancement of media companies' attempt to have absolute control over everything they release, by binding it into their own services.

I don't know that it has protections from people uploading Disney movies to it.

First example on a quick search:

I really love the Internet Archive and have relied on it many times, but this is going to kill it and I'm just watching it happen in real time with nothing being done.

Yeah probably. It's the ordinary playbook of allowing one site to become extreamly popular so it's much easier to monitor users and shut down if needed.

Imagine how many copyrighted books are in IRL libraries. Now imagine that IRL libraries can copy any book in any amount. Congrats, now you imagined what libraries in Europe can do.

I'm not sure what that has to do with people uploading copyrighted movies to the Internet Archive. You can't just upload Disney movies to YouTube and expect Disney to not give a shit. They still have legal recourse.

I hate copyright law, but it still exists. I don't want the Internet Archive to shut down and I have harvested a lot from the public domain video they archive. But those videos are at risk because people are uploading copyrighted stuff, and eventually a big enough lawsuit is going to take the site down unless they do something about it.

Also, the video storage end of the site is becoming more and more unusable because of it. It used to be easy to search through videos and find the legitimately public domain ones which you could then use in your own projects. Now if I'm not 100% sure, I have to do a bunch of research... and I know for a fact from talking to some people that they think that if they download video from the Internet Archive, it isn't copyrighted. And if they then use it in one of their projects, they are at legal risk.

And if the Internet Archive isn't going to be the global digital repository for public domain video, then it's going to be YouTube. Do we really want public domain video to be monetized?

This is, to me, pretty damn serious.

Uhh what? I'm pretty sure libraries in Europe can't do that. Do you mean they can photocopy any book they own...?

Not sure how exactly it worked, but some time ago in Russia it was completely legal for library to copy book, but it seems now laws became more strict. Probably some member of United Russia got a shiny new yacht.

That might be legal in Russia, but not in EU or elsewhere in Western Europe. My partner works in a library in UK and copyright stuff is a big problem.

Russia is not necessarily representative of all European legal systems. E.g. they literally proposed legalising piracy of content made by western companies:

Out of all shit gosduma makes, this is the best thing they thought about.

Altenatively if you are pro strong copyright: make copyright inallianable and belonging ONLY to people who directly created stuff.

What will we do when the internet archive goes down

thats okay, someone will have put all the information on an impossible to search for or browse discord server, that'll surely last forever. /s

Join the crowd on tik tok I guess

Ok, I will need that off-grid cabin in the woods after all...

There's the Internet archive archive. It's being funded by all the excess donations that themselves can't find a way to spend.

So when the internet archive archive goes down, we'll have the internet archive archive archive as a backup? Neat.

Anyone who archives data so it wouldn't be lost is MVP 8bmzqc

I download the internet archive once every month and copy it to stone tablets. Even if the world’s electricity reserve runs out, we’ll still have those.

In unrelated news, I’m looking for people with access to big stone quarries.

IRC was so much better than Discord. People are stupid.

I've lost a lot of my rose tint for discord, right around the arbitration clause thing, but I can't deny that it's convenient. Chat, streaming to friends, popping up a new server for whatever project or group, VC for playing games together. There's platforms that do all of these things better, but few that do all of them decently well.

Of course, it's a privacy nightmare and I stick to IRC for anything I wouldn't feel comfortable having linked to my identity, but I wouldn't call people stupid for using it.

Mostly I think its fine for all that.

But there's a special circle of hell for projects that rely on it for "documentation".

I get the temptation, I really do. But once you're taking money or have more than a couple people involved and semi-organized you really need at least a small wiki/git-hub landing page with the basics.

I know documentation is a separate skillset and a lot of work in its own right but projects can also stagnate and die because there isn't any.

Oh 1000% agree, having a discord for support is nice and all, but using it as a crutch in place of good documentation is a sin worthy of eternal damnation.

Heck, even support is a bit of a pain since projects also like to use it as their issue tracker and want you to search for your issue before posting (which it's awful for). GitHub is free or at least cheap depending on what you need and is way more searchable, as well as giving a place for wiki and a basic website

Direct chat support, discord is fine, but beyond that, please use something actually designed for it

How is Discord a privacy nightmare?

Or maybe… How is discord any worse of a privacy nightmare than IRC? I love me some IRC, but it ain’t exactly a bastion of secrecy.

IRC clients don't have loads of telemetry like Discord does. And IRC is a protocol instead of a platform, so there isn't a single set of servers hosting and logging ALL conversations.

That’s fair, but IRC also tends to leak information about users to everybody. They’re maybe bad in slightly different ways, but frankly if you care about privacy that much you probably shouldn’t use either, at least not with additional protections.

IRC doesn't even see that much info about each user to begin with, especially compared to Discord, and if you're talking about public IPs - hiding them from other users is now a common thing on servers.

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It's wild how a good deal of decentralization and FOSS focused communities insist on having Discord be their primary center for community. Worst one is privacy focused communities...

I can't say that bridging them to matrix was a foolproof endeavor though

Amen. Guess it's the curse of the unknowing youth. They grow up with this bullcrap. I hate discord so much. "oh buy nitro, have stupid stickers!" ugh.

I really really really miss IRC. What was wrong with it? Why did it die? Did we all die?

It is alive and well, never died. Many project still use it for communication, support...

I know, there're even gopher, Finger and BBSs still around. But being around isn't really the same as alive. Except technically.

IRC is only text chat, Discord does a ton of other things on top.

Personally I've been on the internet for the last.. 27 years or so? I've used ICQ, Teamspeak, Skype, IRC, Mumble, Discord, Teams, .. (Probably forgot a few).

I never really liked IRC, yes, it's private servers which is nice, yes you can be relatively anonymous, but the channels were always a mess. Either too many people spamming so you can't follow a single conversation, or for most channels you had 40 people idling and never responding, so it felt like a ghost town.

Just in my personal experience Discord works a lot better and is far more convenient. But yeah, not much privacy there obviously (though everything you said in IRC was often saved away by a bot, so either way whatever you said was out there).

Sure, but when everybody's Discord content vanishes behind a paywall, or makes you watch a 2 minute advert to see a Wiki, what are you going to do?

Already I can't just browse the content on a Discord community without "joining" and all that bollocks.

Like I'm sure Discord is better than IRC, but it's not better than a collection of open standards so anyone can run a server.

I've never seen someone host a wiki on Discord.. that's just stupid.

Having to join a server before you see its content is a good thing though. It's a privacy feature and also anti-spam / anti-bots (Before you see anything you often have to agree to the server rules).

Using Discord for information storage is obviously a bad idea. But for text chat including channels, voice chat and so on it's fantastic. Most games usually have an extra website with a wiki for information.

Having to join a server before you see its content is a good thing though.

Joining to browse is in no way a good thing. Join to speak, yes. Join to read, no.

I think your view of servers here is wrong. They are literally named communities, as in private spaces. You get access if you're part of that community, otherwise you don't.

Discord servers are not public websites or a wiki anyone can access, they are not supposed to be.

IRC is a tiny bit more open, but even there you need to join a channel to read it and you can get kicked out. For reading the logs a bot saved away you might need an account too (but that's up to the server admin or whoever is hosting that content).

Issue with what you are saying is that I have seen a crap ton of software ( Foss software too ) using discord forums / discord I'm general as their "knowledge base" making it quite hard to find solutions for problems or ask questions, where in the past you'd be using a forum for.

Forums in the past always needed an account (with its own registration, accepting rules and so on) before you could ask your question. Hell, a lot of forums barely showed anything besides 2-3 topics and you needed to be logged in to see all areas (sometimes with extra user roles if you wanted to see more).

Exactly, you needed an account to ask and to view some download links, but google never took me to a forum that needed an account just to read my issue.

Duh, because Google wouldn't index forums where you need an account to read the posts. I've been signed up to dozens of forums back in the day, I'm telling you, a lot of them didn't show shit until you signed in. Google only shows you public posts, if the game forum needs an account you won't find the post in your search.

Most forums back then were heavily locked down, especially due to bots spamming ads.

Just in my personal experience Discord works a lot better and is far more convenient

Your personal experience is biased as fuck because having to go through phone verification or downloading a sketchy proprietary client is in no way far more convenient than firing up irc

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Either too many people spamming so you can’t follow a single conversation, or for most channels you had 40 people idling and never responding, so it felt like a ghost town.

How is this different to Discord? You have huge, medium and small channels in both.

Most IRC servers I've been to had exactly one channel for the entire community/topic where everyone hung out. Either way, IRC is dead, it's just fun how triggered some people get about it.

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Except the lack of a decent mobile client that doesn't require you to self-host something to receive all messages

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Better how? I can't message people when they're offline, everything is completely boring text, no images, it's not clear how I can easily setup my own server, everything feels archaic.

I tried using it before Discord was even a thing, and I already thought it quite sucked. If you think it's great, then good on you for knowing everything inside and out, but the discoverability with any IRC client tends to be in the negatives. It feels awful to use.

everything is completely boring text, no images

You literally just listed some of the reasons IRC is better. That said, I don't see any reason an IRC client couldn't be made to support images, with the understanding that it would have to be done in a way that falls back to posting it as a link for people using text-only clients, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

can't message people when they're offline,

This functionality can be enabled on IRC servers or on a per-channel basis using bots.

it's not clear how I can easily setup my own server.

Again an advantage of IRC. Not every group of 2 people need their own server. And a simple 2 second Google search (or learning your IRC client) will show you how to create your own channel in seconds.

the discoverability with any IRC client tends to be in the negatives.

That really depends on the client. There are (or at least used to be) plenty of user-friendly IRC clients. How many alternate clients can I use with Discord?

And heaven forbid someone should have to think for more than 3 seconds when learning something new to them.

I swear I sometimes think that once all of us Gen-Xers are gone, there won't be anyone left who actually understands how the Internet or the technology that runs on it actually works, as prophesied by Idiocracy.

ICQ was nice. It had an IM, a user directory, and alternative clients without games etc, until its owners went crazy.

Old Skype was nice. It had fast file transfers, a good Linux client, network efficiency etc, until Microsoft.

I think everybody thought that just like from proprietary ICQ everybody went to proprietary Skype and it was nice, there's going to be an equally good alternative when Skype rots and people will move to it.

There are fscking none among the popular IMs.

ICQ ... when you haven't logged in for a bit and then when you do your computer emits a fast-paced streak of uh-ohuh-ohuh-ohuh-ohuh-ohuh-ohuh-ohuh-oh


Not centralised for a start. Think of it like 'federated Discord'.

Also, IRC doesn't constantly try to throw "upgrades" (Nitro) in your face every single moment that it gets.

I have used both, aside from the monetisation (Nitro), Discord (and Slack) has a lot more functionality. Not sure it's 'correct' to say that people are stupid because they prefer a 21st century version of IRC.

Matrix stack would be the 21st century equivalent. Discord is just another Skype - entirely a proprietary product that you don't operate yourself. Fine for corporate use where people don't care about longevity because it's not their problem or interest, but trash for everything else.

I just searched for "Matrix stack" but I'm none-the-wiser, what is it?

Right, you don't run the thing yourself at a program level, but you can create and moderate channels as you wish, which is what most people want. Sounds like the Windows v Linux argument, just because a lot of people prefer something doesn't mean we have to shit on it. Discord seems to work well with lots of integration (including on consoles) and fulfils its purpose pretty well from what I can tell.

trash for everything else


It's an entirely closed source, proprietary codebase, run by a for-profit company where you have little control over anything. These corporations don't care about actual users and they will leave you high and dry. There is a reason people still use IRC - it's open, easy to connect to and has been around for literal decades. Remember CompuServe? AOL? AIM? ICQ? Google Chat shutting it's doors to xmpp? If so, you understand the pattern. It's about walled gardens and blocking interoperability. The industry doesn't need more of that. We are chatting on an open source link aggregation site because bean counters at Reddit decided to shut off APIs to existing apps arbitrarily.

The matrix stack solves most of those problems by providing an open source codebase and protocol, easy to connect to solution that is akin to Slack. I am fortunate enough to not have to use discord much beyond checking on a class schedule and downloading some sheet music, so I will never be a discord power user. Maybe some there is crazy awesome feature that discord provides that no open source platform does, but I have some serious doubts about that.

Maybe some there is crazy awesome feature that discord provides that no open source platform does

It would go into discord feature parity megaissue on github

Maybe some there is crazy awesome feature that discord provides that no open source platform does

I don't think any open source platform brings together the kind of functionality Discord currently has, but I'm open to being corrected on that. If there was a better platform doing what Discord does then that would be great to use. Having had to switch from different platforms for video calling for various reasons I get what you mean.


Cheers, I searched before for "Matrix stack" but just got a load of stuff I didn't understand. shows me some things I can get my head around; checking the public servers and it's mainly for tech stuff (and one game). How is it compared to Discord?

and one game

Xonotic? Because xon devchat is in Matrix.

Genshin. Didn't recognise anything else.

Any guides on how to get started on IRC? I gave it a try a couple months ago but couldn't find any good communities.

I discovered IRC only 1.5 years ago and now all my social life is there.

I find it difficult to get started. I have the client and everything but had trouble finding communities on irc.

Which communities do you find are worthwhile? Like others have mentioned everything I've pursued has definitely felt like a ghost town.

Very sorry, but it's quite personal. Ye, I had a similar problem. First started by joining random servers preset in Hexchat (so was on the big ones), but now I am mostly on the small networks. It just happened like that.

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Do they support embedding images yet?

No, you still have to link them externally. Not that I mind tbh, I don't even have embedded image view in xmpp enabled.

I haven't used it for... I recon about 19 years. Met some cool people on there. Well maybe not cool but you know what I mean.

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It was better before, now non tech savy people prefer something I don't like, therefore they are stupid.

No it's not cause it's easy to use, it's cause Discord is controlled by a single company with various features behind paywalls and only one functional client app.

None of the paid features are necessary for effectively using it, they're just "fun add-ons"

No API for third party apps is a genuine complaint though, it would be nice if there was at least some competitive push for them to have to strive to meet pushing them to be better

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My password is finally secure!

You can type it here and be completely safe! It hides it from us!

Wait, let me try *******

Does it work?

Wow! That's amazing, let me try ************* Did that show up for you?


It did. Not a bad password but pretty easy to guess.

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A true reader :)

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It would have been awesome Easter egg to code in Lemmy that hunter2 would been always changed to stars.

The confusion it would have caused would have been legendary

I miss word filters. How else would we have come up with such greats as weeaboo instead of wapanese?

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It vanished 7 years ago and came back. It's possible they forgot to renew.

First week of the new year. This seems likely.

Probably is exactly what happened here. The FreeCAD wiki went down on the 1st too, thankfully they have it mirrored to a GitHub repo so that ended up not being a major issue

Oh shit… be right back.

Domains seldom expire on the new year, they are typically registered for a number of years with the proof starting on the day you register

So register today, it expires yesterday + 10 years

Someone archived all the quotes on the Internet Archive.

Phew. Otherwise we'd need to share all the quotes by mouth around a hobo campfire.
I've read Fahrenheit 451 so i noe.

I guess he'll never put on his robe and wizard hat nor cast level 3 eroticism ever again.

not gonna lie, I am like..genuinely kinda misty eyed over the end of the era.

I was in talks with Blaxthos to be a mod a few years ago, but life got in the way. Now I'll never get to see that sweet sweet mod queue :-(

Man, first time I went through the top posts, I was in tears.

Oh man, I forgot how much I used to read bash.

We used to read it as kids when we went over our internet quota for the week and it was the only thing that still loaded

How old were you then? What was your internet quota? It's so interesting to hear how different age groups or demographics interacted with the same content.

For me in the mid 2000s we had satellite internet and I think the daily quota was like 200mb.

I remember around the same time we had a 300 MB monthly quota on dialup. It made me very wary of what I did online and how large different kinda of media is.

Things changed a bit after we got a 4(?)GB monthly quota over 3G a few years later.

A teenager, so early to mid 2000s. I can't remember what the quota was other than a couple of dodgy limewire albums and computer aids. And dad getting pissed when we pretty much bricked his computer

I read it a lot, but it feels like there hasn't been new content in years, so I stopped visiting at some point.

Gosh, me too! Honestly for a good decade there I think Reddit was the only URL I knew.

Damn, I hope it comes back. Bash was one of the greatest monuments to internet history. has gone about two years ago as well. None of these had remained?


Wait, how you make that backwards b?

EDIT: never mind.

Or whatever it was...been a while.

God damn I need another coffee this morning because I thought about that for a couple of seconds too many. Haha

I'm glad it got archived, but if you think those weren't fake I have a bridge in New York for sale cheap.

Who cares if something is 'fake' if you get enjoyment from it? It's the same as any scripted comedy.

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Just going to shamelessly paste this one for the memories

< Cthon98 > hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars  
< Cthon98 > ********* see!  
< AzureDiamond > hunter2  
< AzureDiamond > doesnt look like stars to me  
< Cthon98 > < AzureDiamond > *******  
< Cthon98 > thats what I see  
< AzureDiamond > oh, really?  
< Cthon98 > Absolutely  
< AzureDiamond > you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2  
< AzureDiamond > haha, does that look funny to you?  
< Cthon98 > lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as *******  
< AzureDiamond > thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that  
< Cthon98 > yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as *******  
< AzureDiamond > awesome!  
< AzureDiamond > wait, how do you know my pw?  
< Cthon98 > er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw  
< AzureDiamond > oh, ok.  

E: formatting EE: formatting EEE: more formatting??? EEEE: omg I don't know how to fix this anyway you get the idea

RIP bash, hope they come back

General tip: (including http://) to save a page. We used to be able to spam save, but they've implemented some throttling there, so you can't save the entirety of your personal website all at once, but oh well.

As of February first, Usenet is done also. Google will not allow joining or new postings anymore. But they will continue to host it as an archive, until they don't....

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Hmm, it still resolves for me, but nothing ever responds. The domain doesn't expire for over a year still. Perhaps it's just a transient issue?

Real question: is there any good archive of amazing internet convos from modern systems that replaces it?

I noticed a couple months ago. Very sad. also went down a while ago