is gone to – 803 points –

It was a collection of silly quotes from IRC channels everywhere, many of which dated back to the 90s. It was rarely ever updated in the 2010s, but now, the URL no longer resolves.

Last capture was July 2023.*/

EDIT Someone archived all the quotes on the Internet Archive.


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I discovered IRC only 1.5 years ago and now all my social life is there.

I find it difficult to get started. I have the client and everything but had trouble finding communities on irc.

Which communities do you find are worthwhile? Like others have mentioned everything I've pursued has definitely felt like a ghost town.

Very sorry, but it's quite personal. Ye, I had a similar problem. First started by joining random servers preset in Hexchat (so was on the big ones), but now I am mostly on the small networks. It just happened like that.

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Do they support embedding images yet?

No, you still have to link them externally. Not that I mind tbh, I don't even have embedded image view in xmpp enabled.

I haven't used it for... I recon about 19 years. Met some cool people on there. Well maybe not cool but you know what I mean.

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