It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. to – 2248 points –

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What are you using that makes it crash, virtually never happens to me.

For me Firefox crashes all the time in normal use. I am talking minimum twice a day. It also has this weird problem where it will pin one thread to 100% and lock up the whole browser when downloading files. I also had to disable video hardware acceleration or else Twitch crashes every 5-10 minutes but luckily my CPU is so strong that it's not too big of a deal to do software decoding.

I still use it out of principle but it has been a way worse experience than Chromium ever was for me.

Yeah…I’m gonna say you have something that isn’t playing well with Firefox. Extensions, hardware…. I’ve been using Firefox for years now across multiple OS’s and hardware and I’ve never had anything like this happen to me

I have privacy badger, ublock, dark reader, tab session manager, bitwarden, and grease monkey(that is used to tweak hacker News).

I guess I could try to turn off ublock and privacy badger to see if that fixes anything, but the other extensions seem way less invasive and less likely to be the culprit.

But browsing without ublock seems miserable.

Yeah, more often than not Ublock or others ad blocks are the culprit for me.

And it’s not immediately obvious that such is the case when it happens.

Good luck

what os/hardware? I too never have an issue but im talking a pc. Is your experience with android?

I am talking about on desktop but actually the Android version of Firefox was such a laggy buggy mess I switched to Brave on mobile.

On my desktop I use Arch btw with a 7950X and a 6900 XT. Honestly after using it for over a year I kind of hate it. I am so fed up with how many small annoying problems it has. Someone else mentioned Thorium in this thread and I might give that a try.

If Firefox works great for you that's awesome but it is BY FAR the buggiest piece of software on my entire computer.

No idea. Nothing crazy. Twitch is one that's fairly regular but it happens seemingly randomly with normal browsing. It hasn't happened on mobile as far as I remember.

I send in each crash report so hopefully they'll be able to sort it out.

For me I had to disable video hardware acceleration (just video, not all acceleration) for Twitch to stop crashing all the time.

hardly any issues here, either. and we abuse tf out of firefox.. 300+ tabs? stay open for days on end? multiple addons? on c2d-era desktops? no problem.