ADHD Emotional Spectrum to ADHD – 478 points –

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Hey man,

you're probably fine. I don't know the details, but humans are fallible. you're only human. friends should know this, they're only human too. I doubt these friends have all been perfect all the time, and I doubt they'll do everything perfect from here on out.

If it caused a problem, tell them the truth. you double booked. you had to pick one over the other. you feel bad you flaked. you don't intend to make it a habit.

if it cost people something, consider making it up somehow. but I would propose that unless it's cost them real bad, good friends ought to accept the apology without expecting the compensation. they'll mess up someday too, and it's better for everyone to be kind.

don't hate yourself. it does no good for anyone. counterproductive and undeserved. develop a system to help you. you can't always change your nature, but you can build around it.

Thanks. I needed this.

I know it's hard to get in the habit, but take out your phone when making any plans or appointments, get the calendar app out and add it as it happens. Don't wait even 1 minute. Feel free to tell the person you're adding it to the calendar as you do it if you feel like you're being rude. I set reminder notifications for all appointments based on how much notice I would need if I completely forgot about it.

Yeah I've been doing this ever since I got a smart phone