The Mighty Cybertruck Keeps Getting Stuck in the Snow to – 271 points –
The Mighty Cybertruck Keeps Getting Stuck in the Snow

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Also snow tires make a huge difference in the snow

I used to have an old Subaru (Leone, 83).

I could get it anywhere in the snow. It was so easy to drive. It had absolute pizza cutters for tyres.

Once drove up to a ski field without chains on. Was one of only 7 cars to make it to the top (with zero issues) because there was so much snow.

Was a blast to drive.

Skinnier tires are actually better in snow because they can dig down to the ground somewhat and find traction there. Wide tires tend to float on top of the snow because of the larger contract patch (but not enough to stay above it, that requires huge, under-inflated-balloon-like tires like what you'd need on an antarctic expedition)