la pasión to ADHD – 425 points –

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This was me the other day. I spent hours and hours coding up some things in python when all I was supposed to do were the dishes.

The dishes didn't get done because it was too hard, but I got fancy looking weather graphs from the data from my air quality sensor that I built while avoiding other simple chores that really ought to have been done by now.

People think I'm lazy and refuse to listen to me about this, but it literally gets in the way of things like eating and sleeping.

The struggle is real and most don’t get it. Ive had to forcibly quit hobbies that triggered that ‘lock-in’ because my life was going along unmanaged. There’s no explaining it to peoole who don’t experience it.

I have taken up cross stitching and can spend an entire day just sitting and working on a one.

I want to watch ALL THE TV SHOWS AND MOVIES before I die (well the ones that interest me), but my hands get bored so usually I'll play Switch games but then I'm often not really paying a lot of attention to either thing.

With cross stitching, I can get focused if it's a difficult part or I've made a mistake, but mostly I can follow the plot of the show/film much better.

Plus I get a lovely physical "trophy" at the end, and have given a few as gifts.

Yup I will sit there hyper focused on code for hours and often ignore the need to eat, hydrate, or urinate, which results in frequent UTIs, dehydration headaches, eye strain, and chronic back/hip pain. People say hyper focus is a super power, but it comes at a cost. Meds help with powering through undesirable tasks, but they can make the hyper focus even worse.

Meds help with powering through undesirable tasks, but they can make the hyper focus even worse.

Omg, I can relate to this so much. Sometimes I don't have my meds because I don't want to risk hyperfocusing on something for too long. I don't see many people talk about this one.

Fortunately I can't sit still for too long, so I don't get back pain.