Is fire necessary for a good lighter? to No Stupid – 55 points –

Is a lighter effective because it's on fire? Or just because it's hot?

If you made a lighter that was just as hot as another lighter, would it work just as well even if it had no fire?


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Cars have (or had, I don't know if they're still included) an electric lighter that you pushed in to heat up. It was basically a little metal ring that got really hot. So I think it probably is the heat.

I remember my friend also had a plasma lighter, that unsurprisingly used plasma to light things. It made a really scary noise in the wind and hurt like a motherfucker to touch. We were 18 and dumb.

It's the heat and no, cars don't come with lighters anymore. The power sockets are still there but they even come with warning labels to not try use a lighter in them. No idea what happens if you try.

Itll melt the plastic around the socket as they arent designed to tolerate heat anymore.

That seems really dumb

Smoking is dumber

Driving off a cliff is even dumber still. Its not a dumbest thing contest though

It wasn't until you showed up.

Nah, that was all you. Nobody said smoking was a good idea. Just that it's stupid to create a fire hazard to make a car 0.0001% more profitable. You barged in with a weird non sequitur. I was just pointing it out.

It's called humor, brainiac.

Was that what it was supposed to be? Don't quit your day job.

You don't have to light a cigarette with a lighter. What's truly dumb is forgetting how useful fire is...

Yeah, fire is super handy for all sorts of things while I'm driving a car.

Ah yes, why have the ability to do anything you don't immediately need to do?! I am a smart person!

My car seems to be from the transition period, it has a lighter but no ash trays in the front, only in the back.

I guess it's fine for the kids to smoke while watching the in built DVD players but not the driver and front passenger /s

There may have been an accessory package available that gave you a cup-shaped ashtray to put in the cupholder