Americans can no longer afford their cars

Lee to – 377 points –
Americans can no longer afford their cars

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If we'd always been accounting for all the actual costs of cars, including externalities, most people would have never been able to afford them, we'd recognize them as the very costly luxeries they actually are, and not have completely dismantled our ability to live without them in every city except NYC, Boston, Chicago, DC, and San Francisco.

Cars actually make more sense in low density areas. Farmers need to get around. Urban areas should rely mostly on public transportation.

Of course, but it’s all those in the middle where we need better options. US has just a handful of cities with decent transit, but every large city should be able to. Then there are all the medium cities built around using cars: transit should still be a better option but works better with concentrations of people

It should be reasonable for a majority of the population to have effective transit, even in the US

Up until I got an EV I never thought about dollar per 100 km. On "fuel", I used to be near $20/100km for my premium powered midsize SUV.

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