Seniors stuck in Medicare Advantage nightmare: 'designed to confuse' us

Lee to – 108 points –
Seniors stuck in Medicare Advantage nightmare: 'designed to confuse' us

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My wife and I went to, for lack of a better term, an independent broker who represents multiple insurance companies. It was free and we got good coverage for our current conditions for a good price. I can't imagine we could have done as well on our own.

Imagine not needing to even do that because the system just paid for your care without needing extra steps.

It would be nice. At least we were able to make the best of the situation. It doesn’t seem like enough people are aware of this type of service. Even then, it still doesn’t mean the plans available to you will be affordable.

I'm glad you haven't encountered problems yet. Good that after reading this article you are aware of what you might eventually face. Should not be allowed to call themselves Advantage Plans - really Private Medicare.

One of two people down voted you. Either a bot or an agent that isn’t independent.