Reddit API blew up and now I run Linux?

Sam, The to – 1134 points –

I feel like I've been gaslit into running FOSS but every success only brings me closer to fighting god


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Your post couldn't be more true. Decades ago I was sold on MythTV, this PVR software but it only ran on Linux and you had to compile it yourself. So I gave Linux and MythTV a shot. As it turned out, both MythTV and early desktop Linux were a buggy, frustrating mess. X broke all the time. Incomprehensible, ungoogleable compile errors all the time.

I spent so much time troubleshooting MythTV and compilation problems that I ended up learning Linux inside and out and the C programming language to be able understand the compile errors. I went on to lead a major open source project and have had a long career as a programmer, using all the knowledge I gained that started with fighting MythTV.

what's the project you lead?

I don't want to dox myself so I'd rather not say, but it was some time ago and I'm no longer leading that project. I do still do development in the same field though!

what project