Earth will be destroyed in 12 minutes...

Flying to – 569 points –

This is accurate gameplay from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy text adventure that INFOCOM made with the help of Douglas Adams in 1984.

I thought people would find it interesting to see the way a game would creatively do a demo in print in the 1980s since doing it other ways was either too expensive or not very useful from a marketing perspective.

More info on the game-

It was very challenging. I never got all the way through it. Amazingly, it only covers a small portion of the first book despite taking hours and hours to play.


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Can you share the app? Thanks!

Yep, it's called Text Fiction and I set it up a couple years back before the pandemic specifically for this game. I just took a screenshot:

Sad it says it's not compatible on my Phone.