My country/city has a new COVID wave. I got infected for the third time. to Mildly – 403 points –

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I still haven't caught it. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Maybe you just got a case without symptoms

Me too, however I vaccinated early and was mostly good about isolation when it was required, hence it's plausible that I have been lucky.

Same boat, and while havent gone full CovIdiot, I havent really been super cautious either

edit: not sure if it's the Covidiots or people who are annoyed that I wasnt more cautious that are downvoting me

You might just be asymptomatic or immune. Congrats!

I'm really wondering if I'm immune at this point tbh

You can be flat out immune? Might explain alot on my side, been rocking the dodge build this whole time.