Damn freeloaders takin' all the jobs!

Urethra Franklin@startrek.website to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1175 points –

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Legitimate question. Can anyone tell me how someone would go collecting welfare with no SSN or papers?

I work with people on a daily basis that collect some sort of welfare or disability.... They are in perfect bodily health. They are also all U.S citizens.

I don't believe I have come across an undocumented migrant that collects "disability payments". I don't believe it's possible....

No idea how that would work. An undocumented person at my mom's work was "borrowing" someone else's identity to get paid. So they were contributing to social security with no way to ever collect on it.

My fiancee works at the welfare office in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. I literally just asked her and she said, "They can potentially get approved for medical assistance if it's an emergency, but they're not going to be able to get something like food stamps as an illegal immigrant." Other states might be different, but that's at least PA.

Here’s a list of all federal benefits that undocumented immigrants are eligible to receive:


States may or may not have additional programs.

I literally know an elderly lady who is alienated from her family in Europe and lives in California without any papers, money, or a job, and she has her own apartment and makes due somehow.

No I’m not saying she oughta be deported or have her benefits cut or anything (she’s not living a particularly glorious lifestyle, believe me), just answering the question that was asked.