It must be annoying for New York City workers to constantly have to clean spider webs off buildings in the Marvel universe. to – 307 points –

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Depends which origin story you’re following. In the Spiderverse some Spidermen have the natural property of shooting webs, while others built their own web shooters.

I’m not too much into the comics, but even between Spiderman 1-3 and Amazing Spiderman 1,2 (the movies) that’s a difference.

The Spiderman in the MCU built his own web shooter and could adjust the formula. It also means he can run out when plot requires.

Huh, I think I just realized why I never got too invested in comics. Guess I like more concrete story lines. Thanks for the answer!

Prime Spider-man (earth 616 Spider-Man) whatever you want to call it, is more or less universally depicted as having mechanical webshooters that he invented. The big exception is the Sam Raimi Spider-man movies from the early 2000's which is probably what confused you.