Google search might be getting worse - and AI threatens to ruin it entirely

Lee to – 131 points –
Google search might be getting worse - and AI threatens to ruin it entirely

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"might"...? I thought that was pretty much a proven fact. Not that any of the other are any better, with the possible exception of Kagi, but fuck using that anymore. I'm pretty disappointed by that since I finally had found a search that was pretty good and I have no problem paying for it, but I simply won't give that asshat any money. Why aren't there any nice capitalists? 🤔

Wait, what happened to Kagi?

Kagi now has the ability to include Brave search results and people are upset about that because someone brought it up as a “partnership” with Brave, but they’re just using the search API

Sounds... at worst just as bad as using Microsoft's or Google's search results. I get that the Brave CEO is a POS but Google and Microsoft are Google and Microsoft.

So basically a drama over nothing?

“Should we not be buying VW, BMW, Siemens and Bayer technology and products today because they participated in holocaust and directly collaborated with Hitler?” – CEO of Kagi when given feedback re: Brave partnership

doesn't sound like it's "drama over nothing" to me

lol "Does Hitler still work there?"