Biden renews call for assault weapons ban after ‘tragic and senseless’ spate of July 4 shootings to politics – 338 points –
Biden renews call for assault weapons ban after spate of July 4 shootings

President says ‘epidemic of gun violence is tearing our communities apart’ after mass shootings in Philadelphia, Fort Worth, Baltimore and Chicago


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At this point I feel like Biden and most dem reps have no intention of any gun control. They call for assault weapon bans again, it'll get bogged down in arguments over what constitutes an "assault" weapon, nothing will get passed and people will forget about the shooting. They can tell progressive dems they tried, and they can tell conservative dems they havent actually banned any guns.

Ban automatic guns to start off.

Ban automatic guns to start off.

"automatic" - not sure if you realize it, but every automatic in this country is HEAVILY regulated behind stamps and they cost an absolute small fortune. They are also pretty much never involved in mass shootings. They're more of a gangland modded trigger type gun.

So I presume you actually mean "semi-automatic" here... and if that's the case, that's basically everything but pump-action shot guns, lever-action & bolt rifles, and revolvers. Now... there's no shortage of any of those, but semi-auto dwarfs that in terms of sheer volume of guns in the United States. And are you saying ban them all going forward? Or ban them all retro-actively? The former would be a herculean effort. The latter, you'd likely start an actual domestic war over if you got it anywhere near actual law.

I'm just here to educate, BTW. is a fantastic read. I recommend it for both gun-owners and gun-haters alike. It's the first real-world solution I've seen that I think both could find fairly reasonable.

I appreciate the link, that is probably one of the best suggestions I've seen on gun laws.

right, semi-automatic, my bad, any autoloading gun. Ban on sales going forward, new and used.

The reality is that this is unlikely to happen even for what are colloquially coined "assault weapons" again - though it happened once, so I suppose it might... I recommend reading the article and I try to post it often to get the word out to more people. The best part is that it's likely to trigger hard left gun haters and hard-right gun fetishists alike, but lands on solid, pragmatic ground that I think most reasonable people in the US would agree with (and to, should it be pursued for law). All without banning anything and this is noted in the article since bans don't really work for the intended purpose when there are already hundreds of millions of guns like this for sale/trade in the US after such a go-forward ban.

alright, I read the article. As far as I can tell it's not proposing anything relevant to gun violence in America.

You're right it's unlikely to happen, in the same vein its unlikely the US will stop having third world levels of gun violence. The majority opinion of guns in America is admiration, and that's both the cause of all our gun violence, and the blockade to any efforts to address that violence. All I can do is be one opposition voice and try and convince others. What Americans are used to isnt normal in the rest of the developed world, and measures that are considered unachievable fantasy here are reality elsewhere.

Full-auto isn't banned? Are you sure you know what laws are needed if you don't know the current laws?

Nothing tells you exactly how much a person knows about guns than them suggesting a law.

Also have them define assault weapon, that usually shows exactly how much thought they put into it.

Also ask them to define the AR in AR-15... Usually telling

Fully automatic firearms are not banned in all states but heavily regulated. They are used in basically no crimes though because of extensive background checks, registration process, and cost. A really shitty one is several thousand dollars, one that someone would actually desire is tens of thousands.

Legal full-auto access is mostly not a thing due to cost. There is a partial ban in that new full-auto can't be imported or manufactured for civilians. That directly affects the cost and thus only available for the rich or companies with the cash and paperwork.

it's not, but I did mean semi-auto

Legal full auto is effectively banned for the commoners. The only ones legally available are ones that were in civilian hands when partial bans went into effect. It's as banned an AWB with grandfathering would be a banning things.

A ban and confiscation of semi-autos would be on a vast majority of firearms. Certainly a vast majority of modern firearms and commonly owned firearms. There is a good chance if a person only owns one firearm it's a semi-auto. Especially today when the most common reasons for ownership include self-defense. Then people would just buy lever actions and revolvers as the next best thing. Actual criminals before such a law would continue not following laws after. And then there is home manufacturing which gets easier everyday.

Yeah, lot harder to mass murder with lever action. And you still get to hunt, and defend yourself, but folks will be a lot less likely to commit armed robbery in the first place without a semi auto.

Also youve got a fantasy world in your head where criminals are hiding out in their hidden crime bunkers and going to criminal store to get equipped with illegal weapons. No, most weapons for crimes are obtained legally and all of this is way less organized than you think.

I don't care about hunting. Crimes were done without the things you want to ban and would continue after.

Criminals would get things they need from Home Depot and computer type stores. It doesn't take as specialized equipment as you think. Also straw purchases and a black market is a thing. Criminals with a record aren't obtaining them from an FFL.

No, crimes are definitely committed with semi automatic guns

It's not something they can do. Republicans control the House. Dems simply don't have the authority, if they did you might actually see some real action...

Until the Supreme Court kills it.

Perhaps you mean semi-automatic guns? Automatic guns are exceedingly rare, very expensive and effectively never used in any type of gun violence short of war. If you do mean semi-automatic, with no qualifiers, you are now banning many guns that most ban advocates promise they aren't coming for, "grandpa's hunting rifle".

Yeah i meant semi automatic. No one needs to be able to kill as many times as they can pull a trigger. If you miss your first shot when hunting youre probly not gonna get any better shots.

Confiscation isnt feasible, it would have to just be a ban on future sales and resales. So grandpa keeps his rifle

Just once I'd like to see the corporate Democrats play political hardball against the Republicans the way they do against progressives.