Another Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron Has Been Unearthed in England to – 207 points –
Another Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron Has Been Unearthed in England
  • A Roman dodecahedron, a mysterious 12-sided metal object, was discovered in the village of Norton Disney in England.
  • The artifact is in excellent condition and is larger than many other dodecahedrons that have been found.
  • The purpose of these objects remains unclear, but theories suggest they may have been used for ritualistic or religious purposes.

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Ancient Romans be like: "haha, they don't know how to use the three dodecahedrons."

For those that don't know

Step 1: roll up a half orc barbarian
Step 2: wield a great axe
Step 3: roll a natural 20 on an attack

Now you use the three dodecahedrons!

But a dodecahedron is a d12

Yep, and a greataxe, which is the most common barbarian weapon, uses 1d12 as damage die.

Now, a crit (natural 20 on a 20 sided die) doubles the dice and makes it 2d12, and half orcs have a feature so that they can roll an additional weapon damage die when critting on their attack, which makes it 3d12.

If it came down to figuring out the three dodecahedrons or using the communal sponge on a stick, I'd take the risk with the dodecahedrons.