SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH 9/11 Was Cringe to Lemmy – 1089 points –

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I pray I don't live long enough for the zoomers to control the world.

At least in few years they will all be old enough that their hair will fall out.

What kinda boomer crap is this lmao. Millennials and xers like to act all high and mighty as if we didn't birth the evil that is 1337 (leetspeak). Don't forget our cringy "le so random" phase 🤢

tHe nOrWHaLe bAcONs aT miDNigHt roflcopter!!! Rofl!!!11111

Hooman, what r u doing hooman?

I can has cheezburger was peak humor for us at one point ffs. If we don't get over ourselves and stop dunking on gen z we're just as bad as the assholes that made all those braindead articles about avocado toast and how millennials are killing the diamond industry.

Besides, gen z is just us but raised with less false hope and American dream bullshit. The people you gotta worry about are gen alpha. Those are some feral mfers right there. They're being raised by the internet and it shows lol

I always thought I was pretty well put together and low-cringe, but every now and then I get a Facebook memory (I know, but I moved to another country and this is my lifeline to my friends and family) from ~2010 that really sheds some fucking light on exactly why I didn't have a girlfriend. These memories reveal to me that I was indeed very cringe, and very much a product of some of the lamest internet culture in recent memory. The frequent use of the cat face emoticon :3 when interacting with girls is enough to make me want to bury these things where they can never be seen again. Conversely, these memories serve as a reminder of not only just how far I've come as a man, but also as a husband, a father, and a member of society.

EDIT: It's worth mentioning that these mishaps are extremely prevalent in old exchanges between my wife and I as well, so at the very least her and I are able to cringe over them together.

I get it. The amount of times that I used xD is criminal lol. I'm right there with you on the Facebook because it's where I keep the family members that I don't want to deal with more than like once every few months and I definitely don't want them to have more reliable ways to contact me

All those people can get thrown in a lake too and I thought that at the time. Almost all your examples are stuff that was exclusively on the Internet and a subculture on the Internet at that

Least they didn't all have only one broccoli haircut.

Making fun of haircuts is really so old fashioned and petty dude. I hope you can learn to treat the younger people better. They're just younger people. :(

I was also making fun of them for being so conformist.

Which I actually think is a bigger issue with that generation.