Fossify Phone (Fossify is a fork of Simple Mobile Tools) is now available, adding to Fossify's existing Gallery, File Manager, and Calendar apps to Open – 372 points –

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Fossify Phone (fork of Simple Dialer) has been released on F-Droid.

Fossify Gallery (fork of Simple Gallery), Fossify File Manager (fork of Simple File Manager) and Fossify Calendar (fork of Simple Calendar) are also available for download on F-Droid, with more to come.

(ICYMI: Simple Mobile Tools suite was acquired by an adware company and their apps on the Google Play Store now contain trackers and unnecessary permissions. This report from Exodus shows that the old version of Simple Gallery had 0 trackers and 10 permissions, whereas the app, after sale, contains 9 trackers and 21 permissions!)

About Fossify: Fossify is all about community-backed, open-source, and ad-free mobile apps. A fork of the SimpleMobileTools, which is no longer maintained, and we’re here to continue the legacy, bringing simple and private tech to everyone.


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Love this. If only call recording were built into this app... Even as a root-only feature, that'd be great.

The problem is probably a legality thing. In Germany for example AFAIK people need to be told they are recorded and must accept to this. So by implementing such a feature, you need to adhere to local laws, which differ from country to country and may make it way to complex and dangerous to implement.

Isn't following the local law the end user's responsibility? Like how in the US it's not lawful for me to install and use certain patented codecs without buying a license. (We all do, anyway.) Would it be "illegal software" or would it just make it easier for the end user to violate the law?

That's not the case here in Sweden. Recording is legal here, it's super infuriating no call app supports recording for the reason of legality in other countries.

It's supported on my GrapheneOS install, maybe check it out if you have a Pixel

Well, I live in a One Party Consent country. But I guess it's difficult to manage that.