Joe Biden wins primary election in New Hampshire despite not even being on the ballot

Maven (famous) to – 638 points –
Joe Biden wins primary election in New Hampshire despite not even being on the ballot

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Donald Trump. he has a high percentage chance to win.

That's what you're looking for right? Someone with a high win percentage?

Or are you looking for someone that endorses your views with a win percentage? I hear Joe Biden endorses Genocide, do you endorse genocide?

Nope, this is what I have asked you for multiple times:

Please name the third party candidate that has a reasonable chance of beating both Trump and Biden.

If there is no candidate that has such a chance, why bother voting?

Because if the amount of voters for a different candidate increases then it will be noticed. It will do two things:

  • Force the Dems to move back more to the left actually to win back those votes

  • The next time around people will consider it a more viable option.

Asking for them to win directly is basically a catch22.

If you keep voting Democrat now you very explicitly endorse that you are content with their current policies.

That didn't happen with Perot or Nader. I find it very hard to believe that would happen this time.

Why can't you just admit that you can't give me a name?

If you don't want to vote for someone who doens't have a chance of winning then just stay home

I didn't say anyone should stay home.

I said:

If there is no candidate that has such a chance, why bother voting?

You have not given me a good reason. Your reason so far is not supported by history. Neither Perot nor Nader changed a thing. Unless you can give me a good reason why that will be different this time around, you are grasping at straws.

If you want to vote, fine. Go ahead. I just don't see why you're bothering when you can't even give a good reason. Seems like a lot of effort for nothing.

Force the Dems to move back more to the left actually to win back those votes

The opposite happens when Democrats lose. Republicans become emboldened and pull us right. Tea Party in 2010, Trump in 2016. The biggest right wing swings in modern US politics.

If you don't vote Democrat, you still endorse contentment with their policies. Not voting is a statement that you're content with whoever wins -- or, that you're so privileged it doesn't matter who wins.

Obama was probably the largest swing right, blatantly bailing out the big banks and going HAM on imperialism.

The DNC are the ones that tried to promote Trump because they thought it'd be an easy score for Hillary so you can thank the Democrats for that one too. And for screwing over Bernie of course.

Not voting is a statement that you’re content with whoever wins

I don't think that's how it works.

If you're telling me that you think Obama was a larger swing the right than Trump was, I think we've once again exhausted all constructive discussion between us.

Obama was not more right wing than Trump. But he was the largest swing to the right.

He didn't close Guantanamo. Terrorized Afghanistan, Massively increased CIA surveillance to the point he even lost a lawsuit for breaking the law. Lied about not surveilling journalists. Drone striked like a genocidal maniac. Overthrew regimes such as in Libya creating huge chaos.

Obama was a maniac on the global stage.

What did Trump do? He drone striked like crazy too, but not in new countries. But he actually withdrew from Afghanistan. He killed Suleimani and ruined the Iran nuclear deal but (luckily) didn't start a new war. Screwed over relations with China.

All in all Trump was mostly known for his insanely stupid domestic policies. But in foreign policies he was not actually worse than Obama.