Samsung advertising new phone in my notifications to Mildly – 855 points –

Not sure if it is like that because I'm in Korea, but on my Samsung S9 Samsung is injecting ads for their new S24 in my notifications. I've had the phone for 5 years and this is the first time I see ads in my phone notifications, unbelievable.


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The fairphone 5 has an SD slot, oled FHD and replaceable battery to boot

Since Fairphone 4, they are really good mid range smartphones. Price is higher, but gotta pay for the ethics somehow.

I'm super happy with my Fairphone 3 as well (I upgraded the camera to 3+), but the newer models seem to have made major improvements indeed.

Still, for anyone who doesn't need anything too fancy but who insist on having a headphone jack, a used Fairphone 3 is a good option. Buy a new battery for it and it'll be good as new. :)

the entire phone pieces are replaceable 💀💀, but i also recomend

Promising tech and features, but likely wouldn't work in my area 😔