Anyone notice that a large chunk of their friends are ADHD or otherwise neurodiverse? to – 97 points –

My childhood best friend is ADHD, all but 1 of my other childhood friends is ADHD and about half of my current friends that I hang out with are either ADHD, on the autism spectrum or likely to be but as yet undiagnosed.


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not everyone in the world. just those who gravitate toward Lemmy-Reddit-4chan types of people, and those they gravitate toward in their daily lives.

I swear if people spend too much time on Lemmy-Reddit-4chan they will think that everyone in the world is autistic/pedo/conspiracytheorist

They're formally diagnosed. This is not a case of not having touched grass in too long and seeing everyone and their dog as being neurodiverse.

I gave this user a 3 day ban for this comment. I'm leaving it up as an example to others of what not to do here.

I'm truly amazed this person isn't banned in more communities. I've never seen a single comment from LemmyKnowsBest that wasn't hostile, rude, condescending, or a mix of them. They have no respect for anyone.

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