So is the US slipping into Civil War?

CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿 to Ask – 871 points –

People keep talking about "Federalizing the National Guard" and now you've got other States pledging their NG to Texas in defiance of the Supreme Court (see image).

So is this what CW2 looks like?

P.S. I'm a Brit


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The US is the next empire to fall. I am a US citizen and i am taking steps to GTFO if needed. I have an e-residency and ID card from another nation and am working up to the investment for full citizenship.

I mean, the issue is that most of the rest of the so called free World (and in my opinion correctly so), especially Europe, depends on the US for defence, specially weapon production. Despite France constantly whining about it, insisting on strategic autonomy, as far as I am aware, when it comes to ammo production and air power, we very much depend on the US for production and designs (the design when it comes to aircraft)

If the American empire falls, it's not going to reduce weapons production or arms sales. Decline into fascism requires more guns and bullets, as they get turned against domestic targets, while guns and oil are among the US's best sources of external currency.

The United States military should scale way back, but the European military would have to increase because of what you mentioned with designs for specialty weapons.

We have reasonable designs for almost all weapon categories, except maybe for airplanes, with the latest being the Eurofighter which is by now a bit dated. Regarding Tanks, the German Leopard is as far as I am aware a fine piece of engineering as well as the belgian FN-SCAR. However we lack the ammo capabilities (especially when it comes to artillery shells) to ever have hope of winning a protracted war (or simply keeping Ukraine alive). (also, quick side note, France also spends a great deal of money maintaining their own nuclear arsenal and weapons delivery system, which kinda makes the UK seem a bit puny with their dependence of the US for weapon delivery)

Please explain the e-residency and id card thing. I’m in the red area and really really don’t want to be.

LordThunder: "Fuck, I'm surrounded by Republicans! Where are you going? I'll come with!"

Shortwavesurfer: 😬

Oh, then the place I am looking at would definitely not work for you. I don't think... Ever heard of Liberland?

A country run on a blockchain. Fucking yikes. I think a “ship of fools” is putting it generously.

This reminds me of Auroville, a village in India that's supposed to be an Utopia of socialism and new humanist living. But when you look beyond the marketing and the veneer of spirituality, it's just a bunch of people living in poverty and giving their money to a group of leeches.

Oh. Yeah. That’s gonna be a no from me dawg. Thank you for the reply though.

Just FYI, Estonia is a real country and also viable.

But I think I'd much rather stay on the 5th column.