YSK: wefwef is a web app that look very similar to Apollo and works on both android and ios

notrealmomen@lemmy.world to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 379 points –

Why YSK: looks very similar and functions like Apollo, if you're used to Apollo that's a great app for you, even if you do not, it's still one of the best apps for lemmy You can install the web app here: wefwef.app/settings/install or just use it on your browser here wefwef.app


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Yeah there are a growing number of options. Hell, lemmy itself is now a web app. I'm using Memmy myself.

I can’t settle on one yet. I alternate between Wefwef and Memmy. Both are very good at bringing the Apollo vibes!

Memmy’s TestFlight has been full every time I check. Looking forward to trying.

That’s a bummer. Hope you can get in soon. It is very similar to Wefwef, as they’re both going for Apollo, so you basically have the gist of it. They both have been getting frequent updates, so I flip flop on which I prefer. It’s been Wefwef until today, but right now, I think Memmy is slightly edging it out.

Fwiw it literally just went into in review by Apple so it might be on the store in an hour or so here.

Me too, yesterday I was telling people wefwef is best, but today I’m all loving memmy and can’t decide. Spoiled for choice! Really impressed with these devs

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