Protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa in Paris to World – 256 points –
Protesters throw soup at Mona Lisa in Paris

Visitors at Louvre look on in shock as Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece attacked by environmental protesters

Two environmental protesters have hurled soup on to the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris, calling for “healthy and sustainable food”. The painting, which was behind bulletproof glass, appeared to be undamaged.

Gallery visitors looked on in shock as two women threw the yellow-coloured soup before climbing under the barrier in front of the work and flanking the splattered painting, their right hands held up in a salute-like gesture.

One of the two activists removed her jacket to reveal a white T-shirt bearing the slogan of the environmental activist group Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response) in black letters.


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Living in one of the most expensive cities in the world and complaining about sustainability...

You need to work on your reading comprehension, lol.

simply parroting what others have told you doesn't make you right

the irony is amusing, though ;P

Yeah, you're the one who's just relying on memes.


show me on the doll where the mean meme hurt you

Yeah, there you go again relying on reference humor :(

There's not an original thought in that mind, which is why you were projecting lol.

Lol, you're too far gone.

I'm gonna block you now. You might want to try spending less time on these forums. It's not good for your brain.

lol, and you accused me of projection? XD

I’m gonna block you now

i accept your surrender

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They're complaining about food security, but regardless it doesn't invalidate their message.

Complaining by wasting food certainly invalidates the message however.

A can of soup isn't going to change anything. What kind of an argument is that? With that logic, any protest uses energy, so all of it is invalid if it's about any form of energy or food usage. That's not a valid argument.

I suppose in a purely symbolic way, maybe it's not the best, but scale matters. Wasting one can of soup when you need 10 million is not really a big deal.

I know you told us 9 times because literally no one else knows what their cause was about. Shows how effective the message was.

Maybe if they weren't passing a bunch of money around at the top, food would be more accessible.

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