Ubisoft requires you to sign in just to play a demo...

WeebLife@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 173 points –

Good thing it was only 8 gigs. But still..


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Ubisoft has turned into such a shit company. So much online only bs. Latest just dance physical boxes don't even come with media, just a download code. Such bs. Didn't buy them, fuck em.

Has turned? They were pretty shitty after Assassins Creed 3.

Then they kinda been on the fence, doing a cool thing, followed by 3 shitty things, over and over.

Turned into?! I can't recall a time when they were good.

And I'm quite old. They bought a bunch of really good teams like Blue Byte, and immediately made them produce crap.

No need to rewrite history come on, let's not pretending we didn't love them back in the Sands of Time, Beyond Good and Evil, Rayman 2, Splinter Cell days.