The ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy Is Already a Complete Mess to politics – 204 points –
The ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy Is Already a Complete Mess

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When the convoy did finally come together in a hotel parking lot in Norfolk, Virginia, there were a few dozen people and around 20 vehicles, based on video footage reviewed by WIRED and comments made by the livestreamers responding to questions from supporters.

The day began with a speech from Craig Hudgins, one of the organizers, who stressed that the event was a "peaceful, peaceable demonstration.” Hudgins also claimed—without evidence—that he had heard that up to “40,000 truckers from all over the country and Canada” would be joining the convoy—although not a single one of those trucks managed to join the group during the first day.

"Up to 40,000" doesn't give a lower bound, 0 is within that range. I have up to $1,000,000 in my bank account but won't be going yacht shopping any time soon.

If you want to make it sound really impressive, you should and "or more" to it. That way it covers every dollar amount ever!

I have up to $1,000,000 or more in my bank account

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