Republican Congressman Goes on Insanely Racist Rant About Cori Bush to politics – 161 points –
Republican Congressman Goes on Insanely Racist Rant About Cori Bush

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Yes, what he said was way out of line and he should apologize like she said. But paying your husband with campaign funds to be your personal security is a little weird, right?

Which is why her funding is already being investigated. His comments are completely unnecessary.

Exactly. She's rightly being investigated and she deserves to be criticized for what at best, seems like a conflict of interest for employing her husband, but she should not be subjected to racist attacks. Troy Nehls is just a bigoted piece of garbage looking for an excuse to go on a racist rant to score some easy points with his racist constituents.

Less weird then hiring your 2 sons and your daughter to high ranking gov positions. At least he has an interest in the actual job and isn't there to fleece the taxpayers.

It’s hard to imagine he’s providing competent service as a protective agent, though it may be more that he’s simply managing her detail, etc.

It’s usually a bad idea to have friends/intimate relations as body guards. For one thing, any attempted assassination or whatever is going to account for your security detail, which means whoever is going to have a target on their back. It exposes him to increased risks.

For another, if he’s busy being a husband (and presumably a father,), he’s not busy being a body guard.

But he’s probably just managing the staff, meeting them, reviewing their backgrounds etc, making sure their personalities “fit”,

Regardless it’s pretty normal to give families consultant fees all the freaking time.

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