Russia has planted suspected explosives on Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant roofs, says Zelenskiy (cross post) to World – 190 points –

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Imagine genuinely thinking that Russia blows up their own infrastructure for no reason. The fact that this is a serious topic of discussion in the west shows that any sort of critical thinking has been eradicated at this point.

Really? They also once had a hydroelectric dam. Just don't post...

You mean the hydroelectric dam that even US admitted Ukraine was launching missiles against? Just don't post...

All the hard work you put into spreading nonsense is wasted in Lemmy. There aren't enough users to make it worthwhile. Then again, you'd be banned quickly somewhere like Reddit, so I guess it's your only choice.

Yeah. They value their stuff so much. Particularly their own soldiers.

Sure more than Ukraine who've been throwing theirs into minefields. If they didn't value their soldiers they'd be doing what Ukraine is currently doing. Instead, they spent the time building defences and training their troops.

It's not their own territory

It's literally territory they've annexed from Ukraine. And anybody who actually paid attention for the past month can see that Ukraine is in no position to take any territory back based on how their offensive is going.

No position to take any territory back? How about the 300km^2 they took back already this summer?

Oh you mean the territory Russia didn't actually contest because they haven't mobilized yet. Amazing counterpoint you've got there. 🤡

They have mobilized 300,000 troops last year. It's news to Russia that they didn't contest it, since they fought for and lost Pyatyhatky, just now fighting for and losing Zherebyanky.

There are intense battles in Orikhiv area, but that could go either way. If Russia loses anything "they are not even trying"?

Don't engage. He is a useful idiot and very determined.

While you provide a fascinating arm chair analysis of the situation, why don't we just look at what people who actually have a clue on the subject say

Why should I believe those people? Who made them experts?

Watch the actual developments on the ground, don't listen to propaganda. Russian telegram channels tell you how the war is going, don't need a guy to pretend to know the future

Why should anybody believe people who have been studying geopolitics all their lives is the question you're asking?

Unlike you guzzling propaganda out of a firehose, I am watching the actual developments on the ground. The developments are that Ukraine failed to reach even the first line of Russian defence after a month long offensive while suffering horrific losses. Those are the facts of the situation. The fact that you don't understand this says volumes.

Just because you study something doesn't mean you magically know the future. Stop following "experts" and form your own opinion

People who study things have the best idea of what's likely to happen in the future by virtue of spending the time to understand the domain they study. Maybe if you spend the time learning about the subjects you opine on then you too will be able to make a coherent argument in the future. Consider doing that instead of trolling on internet forums.

No, even if you study all your life, it won't let you predict the future. People study stocks all their lives and they still can't beat a simple stock index in the long term. So stop listening to articles that make wrong predictions.

Like Mearshimer who in 2014 predicted Putin had no further territorial ambitions in Ukraine. Yet Putin annexed further regions in Ukraine, despite this "expert" studying stuff.

If you don't understand how expertise allows people to make better decisions than people without any experience in the subject there's really nothing else to tell you. Good news is I don't have to convince you of anything, the reality is going to become clear even to you soon enough.

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