Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to to politics – 455 points –

Spoiler alert: No, it fucking doesn't.


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Even if it could, which it cannot, imagine everyone on social security suddenly having no income, but still being able to vote.

They wouldn't be voting in any US elections in that case.

I'm more concerned with moving people who don't want to be a part of Texas. Would those who cannot afford to move be stuck in another (hostile) country? Would the federal government just... pay to move some tens or hundreds of thousands of people? What if that number ekes closer to millions?

As citizens of a rogue state, they'd be illegal immigrants at that point. Ironic.

A huge fence would be necessary.

And make Texas pay for it ?

Maybe offer to take those traitorous politicians, etc. into custody for a portion of the cost. See if that helps staunch the hemorrhaging of idiots. 🤌🏼

They would instantly become Texas citizens, but surely the US gov't would give everyone a time period to move out and retain their US citizenship.