Those of you who are not okay: What's going on in your life right now and how could we help you make it better? to Ask – 117 points –

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Getting divorced at 57. Only married 8 years, but separated for almost 3 now. I hate online dating. I worry about being creepy when I see someone I'm attracted to. I can't bring myself to hit on anyone I work with, especially since I'm only attracted to women far younger than me (30s and early 40s). I guess I'm alone from here out, with my only physical contact coming from the occasional massage parlor.

You planning on having kids? If not, maybe deprioritize attraction and focus on someone with a personality.

Bonus: you won't feel nervous or creepy talking to them.

Man, loneliness sucks! Best I can say is try and fill your free time as much as possible. I met my wife online, but that landscape has completely changed since we got together! At the time, I was in my late 30s and pretty much only out of my apartment for work or gym. If I hadn’t met her, I’m pretty sure gym time would’ve eventually dwindled to zero. Even if you don’t start a new relationship, you’ll be busy and around others. Better than Netflix being you closest “friend!”

Wait, you only are attracted to women in their 30s still, at nearly 60? Oof I am almost your age with kids that old. I can see why you are worried about seeming creepy.

Best of luck to you, in any event, and I do think if you open your window to women who are similar attractiveness to however you look, your prospects will be good, if you had a long run of a relationship you can again, you do know how to live with someone. That's a valuable life skill. And I agree with d00phy, get out in the world and do things, you will meet people and make connections, that helps.