30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

btaf45@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 280 points –
30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed

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Healthcare pls

Any Healthcare plan that could get through the Republican House is gonna be worse than what we already have. Vote for Democrats in 2024 if you want better laws on Healthcare.

It would be cool if it even seemed like he was trying. He let Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema block him because it was convenient for him too. It would be nice if he used his position of power to get what he wanted.

They've found new and exciting ways to to stuff money in insurance pockets. I may be dumb, but I don't think subsidies are a solution at all. If the Government wanted to set prices...great. if they want to run a single payer system...sploosh. all this does is obscure from people how fucking expensive their healthcare is. I get that that satisfies the need of individual healthcare consumers (sort of....40$ vs the actual monthly rates people will be paying is kind of an "oh how cute" situation), it doesn't make the system any more sustainable.

The strategy that California is pursuing is providing subsidies to more and more groups of people, giving government a greater say in prices over time. Eventually the goal is to have government pay for everyone's health care so they can negotiate prices to a fair level. Sounds feasible to me.

2000 dollars isn't free.

Sure, but the point is we're getting there. Vote blue and we'll get there faster.

Hahahaha, lost me here. I'll definitely take your point about California and how they're going about universal healthcare to heart, but if you put hope in the Democrats, you will be disappointed. Fuck...the Democratic party. They would be nothing without the anti Republican vote.

"I can't have everything I want right now, therefore nothing of value has been done!"

I can't have anything I want....ever. They're still a right wing party except on cultural issues.