TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out

ooli@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 359 points –
TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out

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I hate that on the YouTube mobile app the shorts take up the entirety of your screen when you first open it. Like they really want you to watch shorts over their regular video content. And YouTube shorts still to this day don’t even work. If you open YouTube and watch 50 shorts a day, once a day for a week, after the first day you’ll see like one new short a day. There’s no algorithm, it just shows you the same exact shorts in almost the same exact order over and over again.

They really fucked up the user experience for the older user base. Kids love those shorts though.

I mean I’m not even anti-shorts. Like I like shorts and Reels and such just fine but the YouTube shorts are literally just broken on top of being kinda shitty to begin with.

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