Mozilla CEO Mitchelle Baker stepping down to Executive Chairwoman

Mr. to – 312 points –
A New Chapter For Mozilla | The Mozilla Blog

Mitchelle Baker, CEO of Mozilla since 2020, will transition back to executive chairwoman role. Baker had been executive chairwoman for several decades. Board member Laura Chambers is taking over as interim CEO. Second source; The Verge


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the thunderbird rewrite, the acquisition of k-9, the integration of outlook, the launch of, and saving thunderbird settings on the cloud (formerly firefox account, now mozilla account) are all things happening in the last year.

i think mozilla has been kickin ass.

Commitment to Manifest V2

Opening up the Android app to support all desktop extensions

Working on local 'AI' integration that doesn't send data to Mozilla

Sure, some people are against that last one, but I'm of the opinion that if AI does exist in a browser (and the market seems to be deciding that it should be) then this is how it should be done.

Mozilla isn't committing to manifest V2, they're just making changes to V3 that are different than what's specified for the sake of compatibility with what people want. They still intend on migration.

Also, microsoft edge is getting extensions as well real soon

Finally, while this is a more personal opinion, the AI integrations that Mozilla has been working on (including some of the work on large language models) is isn't particularly contributive to the Mozilla manifesto and doesn't have much to do with the web itself. It's simply seeking something out because of hype

Also, microsoft edge is getting extensions as well real soon

What's your point?

You're talking about Thunderbird, a project they basically abandoned to the community. Thunderbird survives in spite of Mozilla, not because of it. Meanwhile their main product Firefox is still bleeding users down into the single digit percentages while receiving half a billion a year from Google. It takes a lot of skill to run such a company so deep into the ground.

They also bought Fakespot.

i just dont understand people who only have criticisms of them. no one is perfect but its not as though they only do bad things.

Isn't Thunderbird developed externally and not a Mozilla product? It appears so, from Wikipedia. Same thus for K9. OTOH, I blocked and obviously didn't want anything to do with Mozilla, so I also deleted my Mozilla accoubt in 2021. As far I am concerned, they could disappear tomorrow and my life would change exactly 0. I'm only happy that the incompetent CEO is gone. She was able to destroy Firefox.

i quite like mozilla. can you explain why you dont?

No, sorry, I won't. A lot of Mozilla's fans would reply trying to convince me I'm wrong or just insulting me (it already happened). I'm not interested in engaging on this topic.

It would have been better to simply not reply, rather than this woe-is-me persecution complex thing.

If you aren't interested in engaging on this topic then why not delete your comments on this topic and stop replying on this topic. Your comment's logic is ridiculous.

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