My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours to – 111 points –
My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours

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While the link is useful, the smug takedown is uncalled for. Humans relate way more through personal stories like this. Without the story, the video is not impressive at all, as most will have now idea how difficult this achievement is. There is also something to be said about adding some flourish and passion in the story, instead of coldly presenting facts.

It's just like those shitty recipe sites that tell you their grandma's life story for hours before giving the recipe. Get to the point, who cares about the anecdotes of some writer?

I don't want to connect with everyone always everywhere. It's just like small talk, which may be acceptable or even essential in some cultures, while considering rude and wasteful where I'm from.

This is because Recipes aren't copyrightable (they can be patented hypothetically but no one is going to do that outside of a major brand), but the story blurb they write can be. Makes it much harder for some bot to pull out all of the recipes from a site and relist them.

Not everything is the same. It's not at all like those recipe sites. This is clearly adding necessary context to this achievement.

I get that, some people prefer to have some personal story mixed in the article, but personally i'd like to have my time respected, more than 2 paragraphs of that and i'm out. With that bloated life story and a baitest of the clickbait headline, it deserved to be call out.

I didn't find the story bloated. I found the whole article quite insightful. Not everyone is processing things the same way.

I'm ASD and I'm also human, gimme the cold hard facts so I can absorb them like I do everything else without having to strip the clutter. Everything else is useless to me.

I'm ASD as well and I always tell others that they need to realize most humans cannot live on ASD expectations. So there's no point in bellyaching about it.

The point of journalism is to get the facts across and inform viewers. I don't care about the journalist other than them being impartial and reporting on the facts.

Man, you sound like those gamers who complain that game journalisst should only report on the technical specifications of the game.

That's different. Video game journalism isn't factual news, it is reviews, which are inherently opinion pieces. I expect to get personal elements there. Not to mention the unique role of games putting the players in the seat of telling the story.

To paraphrase Sir Patrick Stewart:
Video games are a unique entertainment medium because the person playing them creates the story.
In a book, the author writes the story and it comes to life in your head.
In a movie or show, ultimately it's the director and editor who get to tell the story, the actors doing what they're told.
In a play or music, the actors/musicians on stage tell the story.
In a video game, the player creates the story.

He was only talking about video games, but the same applies to the modern ttrpgs and more complex board games like "the captain is dead" or "tokaido"