Biden Confuses Presidents of Egypt and Mexico During Presser About His ‘Memory’ to politics – -28 points –
Biden Confuses Presidents of Egypt and Mexico During Presser About His ‘Memory’

Biden is self-destructing his own campaign.


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That's what I hate about the:

Still better than trump!

Like, I'd rather have both my legs cut off than my head, most people would.

But people ain't going to stand in like 5 hours after work to pick. Because for a lot of us, having both legs cut off is just a slower death

Because America doesn't have basic social systems to care for us, and we'd get bankrupted by the medical bills

That's the choice:

You want a slow death, or a fast one?

Meanwhile neoliberals don't understand why 1/3 of voters don't vote

45% of voters didn't vote when it was a 54 year old vs a 52 year old in 2000 Bush v Gore. It's not the age thing.

The nepotism baby of HW, and one of the least charismatic people to run for president...

Wonder why turnout was low...

Meanwhile look at 92 and 08 when two of our youngest presidents ever, and they blow out everyone around them.

2004 was only as high as it was because it was Bush after 9/11.

But seriously though, trying to pass off Al Gore as a "young" candidate at 52 is hilarious, that man came out of the womb with bifocals complaining about "kids these days".

The sheer audacity of claiming 52 is young just highlights how normalized this has become. A 52 year old running for their first term should already be considered too old.

High voter turnout in 08? But McCain was 72! Guess it's not the age thing.

I don't know if it would be worse if you were being sincere or trying to troll...

But neither is a good look, have fun whatever you're doing I guess

It's a bit morbid, but thank goodness for COVID happening when it did as that forced the rapid expansion of early and mail in voting which helps mitigate this issue without addressing it directly.

I don't think there's enough political will to do the sensible thing, make Election Day a federal holiday, because that would promote access to democracy to the lower classes and that is a threat to both parties.

All making it a holiday would accomplish is giving bankers the day off while most of everyone else who works for a living would still have work. On a day the buses aren't running because it's a holiday.

But now we have a holiday, so there's no need for early voting.

Hmm, I think that's a very fair point. It seems very unlikely that the US would accommodate a holiday without asking service workers to work through it, or even incentivize it with extra pay.

Do you think compulsory voting, like in Australia, would be more effective, then? Or perhaps another alternative?

I'd prefer universal mail ballot like Colorado and Washington have.

Lol, this guy thinks the majority of workers get holidays off...

The solution is making it a week. Give people a full ass week to vote, count em up at the end of the week.

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