Trump asks Supreme Court to keep Jan. 6 trial on hold, citing 2024 election to politics – 242 points –

Basically: I committed a crime while trying to stay in office illegally, but you can't hold me to account because I'm running for office.

Pretty much "I'm a big-deal Republican, so you can't apply the normal rules to me, even though others have run for President from jail"


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Trump’s lawyers warned that if a president can be prosecuted for actions taken while in office “such prosecutions will recur and become increasingly common, ushering in destructive cycles of recrimination,” adding that “Without immunity from criminal prosecution, the Presidency as we know it will cease to exist.”

If Presidents commit crimes in office, they should be held accountable. And if the Presidency ceases to exist because of the justice of accountability, then let the office perish in injustice.

Checks. And. Balances. The Founding Fathers literally wrote this into the constitution to avoid this type of trash.

And 8th grader with a history textbook could explain this shit.

*Any 8th grader

good. let every presidential term end with the asshole being led away in handcuffs. the presidency as we know it needs to cease to exist. arrest all of them.

Why don’t we just let them file their frivolous lawsuits in ‘28, and throw their asses out of court in discovery when they present 0 evidence, like what pretty much always happens with these imbeciles?!