My dad was a white slave, Kentucky Republican tells NAACP to politics – 172 points –
My dad was a white slave, Kentucky Republican tells NAACP

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When the reporter persisted, Decker explained that her father—a preacher born around 1933, according to the Courier Journal, or 68 years after slavery was outlawed—was “born into poverty” and worked for free with his family on the property they lived on. (It’s unclear whether the adults were paid, though the Courier Journal notes that it sounds more like “Decker’s father was forced by his parents to do chores” and that the family were tenant farmers.)

“My dad had to do chores when he was growing up 😭😭” - KY State Rep. Jennifer Decker

Meanwhile, this was her original statement:

My father was born on a dirt farm in Lincoln County. His mother was the illegitimate daughter of a very prominent person who then was kind enough to allow them to work for him as slaves. So, if you’re asking, did we own slaves? My father was a slave, just to a white man and he was white.

I wish the Courier Journal had simply asked her, "was your father able to leave whenever he wanted?"

There were landowners who were abusive to their tenant farmers, or her dad could even have grown up in a sharecropper family. You know what eventually ended sharecropping and tenant farmers? FDR's New Deal. She should study history more.

The paper speculated that they were tenant farmers. And maybe they were abused tenant farmers. But do you know what tenant farmers could do?


anyone who experienced slavery would be opposed to it, want to educate people of it's evils, not defend it. what a bucket of stupid.

lol @ the two people who think slavery is groovy... chuds follow me everywhere

I'm totally stealing "what a bucket of stupid" from you. That's just danged funny!

Wait until she finds out about prison labor and the systematic imprisoning of a portion of the American population.

I'm sure she'll be flabbergasted and demand the situation change immediately!

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...a preacher...

Oh, so he's well-versed in lying to push an agenda. Got it. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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