How do conspiracy theorists get all of their coveted secret government information if it's meant to be hidden and the government would never hand it over? to No Stupid – 125 points –

It's a curious thing. I'm not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn't want you to know when it's hidden for a reason.


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People seem to be forgetting that not all conspiracy theories or theorists are crazy.

Sometimes it turns out to be true. Just ask MKULTRA and Iran-contra.

But yeah, 99.997% of them are fake and made up by one or a few people, and get repeated ad nauseum

Some of them are true, but it's impossible to know which ones until you get actual non-batshit evidence which is why it's not reasonable to believe any of them.

But if you want to have a favorite one just for fun, I think that's ok.

But if you want to have a favorite one just for fun, I think that’s ok.

Mine is probably the 'NASA wanted to fake the moon landings, so they got Kubrick in to direct. But he was such a perfectionist, he insisted on filming on location' one.

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Texas sharpshooter fallacy.

Problem is that conspiracy theorists believe that the theories that have actually been proven true are fake and meant to throw people off from the real truth.

Those weren't conspiracies. The government just covered them up. Truths are never's kind of the definition.

Truths are never's kind of the definition.

No, it's not.



a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

No, a conspiracy is when people get together and conspire, i.e. they develop a secret plan of action for nefarious purposes. In the strictest sense, the term “conspiracy theory” just means that you’re theorizing that some people have secretly planned to do something. If you theorize that some wrongdoers have developed or enacted a secret plan, and it later turns out your suspicion was correct, then by definition you had a true conspiracy theory.

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