Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. to – 1408 points –

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How much searching did you have to do? Be honest. Ever try to mount a network share permanently yet?

network share

Built-in to dolphin file manager 😜

I didn't realize that was in every distro

Literally every distro has dolphin in the repos

I was like wait they aren't all already installed by default, then I realized you confirmed it.

It's not automatically installed on gnome, because gnome sucks. But any KDE distro will have it, and any distro ever will have it in the repos

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As someone on Manjaro for over a year, I did have a few searches, but they were rare and mostly related to obscure things I needed.

Not even close to the "search a fix every 10 minutes" experience I was promised.

No searching at all. I got a new computer last month.

  1. Install open-ssh server on the old computer
  2. Copy the IP address of the old computer
  3. Paste it into Dolphin
  4. Copy paste everything

And how would a new user know to find this specific app in the repo? Have you ever actually searched "how to permanently mount a network dive in Linux"? I didn't see a single one saying dolphin.

I don't know how to mount a network drive in Windows. So what's your point?

btw I just searched how to do it in KDE. First result is a Reddit thread explaining how to do it in Dolphin.

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I did, and it was fairly straightforward according to the documentation I found. This was a couple of years ago but I’m pretty sure I needed to figure out how to use nano, then type some magic words into fstab along with the IP and password, and I haven’t had to mess with it ever since.

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