Israel Was Behind Attacks on Major Gas Pipelines in Iran, Officials Say to World – 182 points –
Israel Was Behind Attacks on Major Gas Pipelines in Iran, Officials Say

Israel carried out covert attacks on two major natural gas pipelines inside Iran this week, disrupting the flow of heat and cooking gas to provinces with millions of people, according to two Western officials and a military strategist affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps.

The strikes represent a notable shift in the shadow war that Israel and Iran have been waging by air, land, sea and cyberattack for years.

Israel has long targeted military and nuclear sites inside Iran — and assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists and commanders, both inside and outside of the country. Israel has also waged cyberattacks to disable servers belonging to the oil ministry, causing turmoil at gas stations nationwide.



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Okay I'm not a fan of Iran, but the one responsible for the war is 100% Israel. Hamas did some unexecusable things on October 7th, but the "cause" still remains Israel's colonialist occupation of Palestine. Iran's position in the Palestine conflict as a whole is light gray, not black.

Iran has arming up various psychopaths in the Middle-east for decades now to form their "Axis of Resistance". Basically just a strategy to drain the US (and Israel) of resources. The method of draining those resources? Murdering people.

Now it seems that some of the psychopaths they gave weapons to have gotten off the leash. It's a leopards ate my face moment for Iran.

Gaza had an authoritarian government funded by various sources in the middle east and armed by Iran. The "unexecusable things" they did on October 7 was genocide. Palestinians had no chance to effect a regime change in Gaza because of the weapons Iran supplies to the Hamas psychopaths.

Colonial shenanigans isn't just something white people do, you know? Other countries (like Iran) can and will prop up authoritarian regimes. Like the Hamas regime in Gaza.

Now Israel and the US has to clean up the mess Iran made. Hamas needs to be destroyed and given how dug in they are, that will cost a lot of civilian lives. The US has to destroy the Hotuthis (another insane genocidal group) capabilities of attacking civilian shipping. The US also has to pick off the leadership of various Iran backed militia groups in Iraq and Syria. And Iran has to sit and take their licks. They lost control (if they ever had it) of the various psychopaths they sent weapons to and so others have to fix these problems.

It's widely suspected the that Iran actually wants the US to pick off the leaders of these militia groups because a leadership change is the only way they can get some semblance of control over the groups they armed.

Ah, yes, the US has to do a lot of stuff to defend their pet colonialist genocidal regime. Also I love how you're calling the Houthis genocidal when they were victims of a US-supported genocide.

How many gay people have the Houthis crucified? These aren't nice people despite what your social media feed may have been telling you.

Sure but calling them genocidal is downright wrong and in very poor taste given that they're actual victims of genocide.

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That’s not related. Saudi tortures and executes people and they’re America’s allies. Meanwhile don’t try to downplay genocide because they don’t have the same morality on LGBT you have.

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Calling Iran's support for Hamas "colonial shenanigans" is a perfect symptom of Zionist brain rot. Particularly when it comes from the mouth of a supporter of the only settler colonial society in the region.

So when the US props up a regime in another country it's not colonialism?

Or we could not and just let Israel clean up their own mess and face the consequences of their actions without big daddy Sam’s aegis.

Stop sending weapons, retract our carrier groups, and let the full force of their actions strike home for once.

It's Iran that made the mess. They aren't going to clean it up.

Why aren't you calling on Iran to stop sending weapons to various psychopaths in the region?

I officially call on Iran to stop sending weapons to various psychopaths in the region.

I also officially call on the United States to follow the same advice

Cool, as soon as Iran complies with your request, the US will follow suit. One step closer to peace in the Middle East!

Hold on a sec, I'm getting a phone call from Iran... they say... "DEATH TO AMERICA!"

So we'll just put Iran down as a "maybe" on your proposal.

Oh my bad, I thought we looked down on Iran for those same actions.

Are we fucking hypocrites or should we be better?

But here is one that you should like, we get out of the Middle East and stop meddling in their affairs?

That's the goal. But you don't want to leave the place to collapse, especially considering our economic dependence on oil until we can transition off of it. So in the interests of stability, after the US leaves there needs to be a coalition between Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia to offset Iran's efforts to destabilize the region. That was coming close to fruition when October 7 happened.

But once Hamas is mopped up that plan can happen, and the US doesn't need to be directly involved in the Middle East anymore since the countries there will be well positioned to handle Iran's fuckery on their own.

You always have another reason we need to stay a little bit longer don’t you guys

Just the reality of the world.

Has been my whole life, one reason after another, always a new thing to keep us there a little longer.

Lmk when y’all come up with the next one.

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