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It's easy. Just open up a terminal and type

kill $PID

(Replace the $PID with the process id of the process) if you don't know the process id you can do

killall process_name

If these don't work you can add a -9 to banish them and give them no chance to resist

Similarly, $$ is the current PID, $PPID is the parent PID. (Bash)

So 'kill -9 $$' is just suicide?

With suicide, you have a chance to get your affairs in order. kill -9 $$ is hiring an assassin to kill you and not tell you when it will happen. It happens suddenly without warning.

Also please refresh my memory on how to find the process ID

You can do

ps aux | grep -i 

and the PID is in the second column of the output. However for this use case I recommend a process manager like htop or btop

top for Ubuntu at least will show you the top processes, I think sorted by averaged CPU usage.

You probably want to get on the habit of using pkill instead of killall in case you're ever on a different system. You could have a surprise.