UN likely to vote Tuesday on Gaza ceasefire, US signals veto

Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 139 points –

The United Nations Security Council is likely to vote on Tuesday on an Algerian push for the 15-member body to demand an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, said diplomats, a move the United States signaled it would veto.

"The United States does not support action on this draft resolution. Should it come up for a vote as drafted, it will not be adopted," Thomas-Greenfield said in a statement on Saturday.


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Can we just get rid of vetoes? What’s the point?

The veto and permanent seats are there to keep the superpowers in the UN organization. If you take away the veto, then US, Russia, etc would probably just say they don't recognize the authority of the security council, and then go do their own thing.

This veto mechanic kept the US and USSR in the room and at least talking to each other throughout the entire cold war. That's gotta be worth something.

It's worth nothing and it shows time and time again.

We don't know what it's worth, because we aren't living in an alternate universe where the US and USSR weren't in open dialogue through the cold war. We're still in the pre-WWIII reality (for a few years, at least).

Nah, we don't need to be living in an alternate reality. It's useless and never helps. The countries permanently on the security council always have an interest in any war that happens. So every resolution worth a damn is getting instantly vetoed by one of them. All it is, is facebook's "thoughts and prayers" on the geopolitical scale.

They could try, but something tells me that vote would get vetoed.