John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court to – 899 points –
John Oliver offers to pay Clarence Thomas $1m a year if he resigns from supreme court

Oliver made the proposal on Sunday’s episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight, saying the supreme court justice had 30 days to accept or it would expire.

The British-born comedian’s offer came after a steady drumbeat of media investigations in the previous several months established that Thomas failed to disclose that political benefactors bought him lavish vacation travel and real estate for his mother. Thomas also failed to disclose – as required – that he allowed school fees for a family member to be paid off and had been provided a loan to buy a luxury motor coach, all after openly complaining about the need to raise supreme court justices’ salaries.

As a result, Thomas’s impartiality came into question after he sided with the contentious ruling that eliminated the federal abortion rights once provided by the Roe v Wade case.

He also recently listened to arguments over whether Donald Trump can be removed from states’ ballots in the presidential election after the former president’s supporters – whom he told to “fight like hell” – staged the January 6 attack at the US Capitol in Washington DC. Thomas resisted pressure to recuse himself from such matters, even though his wife, Ginni Thomas, is a conservative political activist who has endorsed false claims from Trump and his supporters that the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden was stolen from him.


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We're stuck with him till 2034 at least, he had this to say following his confirmation:

"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk renmembered Thomas who was 43 years old when confirmed saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."

Yes, but he also lies all the time, so I wouldn't exactly take than on face value.

I wonder what ways he thinks liberals made his life miserable. Honestly sounds like this idiot doesn’t even know what the word ‘liberal’ means.

He didn't like people thinking he got into law school etc because he was black. He fervently hates affirmative action.

He hates it because he's literally one of the people whom affirmative action helped put him in a position he is totally unqualified for (Supreme Court Justice).

His evidence that it is bad and doesn't work is... himself.

What was that thing about conservatives and projection.... Oh yeah: "It's always projection."

What's funny is the only people who think he got in that way are conservatives lol.

Maybe initially only conservatives thought that, but as a not-conservative I've got to admit that the way he's been acting is making a more and more compelling case for it.