Something's fishy about religion...

Urethra to Lemmy – 416 points –

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Ever heard of "Maultaschen"?

One of their origin stories is, that a monk created them so he can secretly eat meat on Fridays. Since the meat was cut very small and "hidden" in the dough between vegetables and other stuff, God wouldn't be able to see it. That's why it's also called "Herrgottsbscheißerle" in swabian which roughly translates to "small cheater on God".

So God can't look through pasta dough? So you could theoretically make a "sin den" with pasta wallpaper and be safe from God's wrath?

If one of your sins is gluttony, wouldn't you eat the walls?

EDIT: Might work for someone legitimately suffering Celiac Disease.

You have to hide yourself between vegetables and breadcrumbs as well, but then it should work I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The bible says it's legal to smoke crack if you do it in a room made out of pasta because if God doesn't see it, it didn't happen. I didn't read the bible or anything but neither do most religious people so same difference.

In Modica, Sicily they have a chocolate dessert with minced beef called 'Mpanatigghi which has a similar story.