Anyone had a look at Odoo yet?

Mr. to Open – 33 points –

Just got this recommended to me by a friend, seems like a really great platform for smaller businesses. Has anyone heard of them before, or tried them out?


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Venting again. The thing that pisses me off the most is how odoo refuses to adopt common practice and instead implements their own stuff:

  • Need an ORM? Well don’t expect odoo to use a battle tested and widely used library. Odoo implements its own, but good luck figuring out how to optimize a query.

  • Want a framework like React? Nope, we’ve got Owl — but only sometimes.

  • Want templates? Odoo uses its own XML dialect. That’s not really documented. Oh and XML is also the configuration language. Oh and about 40% of your codebase will be xml files with magic strings that at runtime magically call a python function. Because fuck you.

Oh and about 40% of your codebase will be xml files with magic strings that at runtime magically call a python function. Because fuck you.

Hahaha... This is pretty much spot on about the whole back end

I hate that kind of not-invented-here syndrome. The project I am helping develop is partly open source and has its own server-side framework, its own ORM and its own typescript based framework. Community-wise we are dead in the water, because nobody wants to adopt to the own frameworks.

Incidentially, I used OpenERP5, which is an early predecessor of Odoo. I hated the interface with every fiber of my being. Due to some custom development, we were not able to upgrade to more modern versions.