I didn't need to login this badly anyway

Bezier@suppo.fi to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 678 points –

2 out of 10‽


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Honestly doesn't seem that bad, depending on how fast it responds to input.

2 out of 10, spend 6 seconds on each and its a minute just to access a potentially disappointing ai written website.

Yeah but if it were to access something like a forum or marketplace then it would be perfect because you want exclusively real people using those.

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I’ve seen one of these and they suck. Took me three attempts before it decided that I succeeded.

Have you tried being more human?

lol a bot will definitely be better at this one day

Lots of hyped up fanboys think they already are, but we have to at least try to filter them out the best we can. The bots, too.

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